Rehan Foundation's "Project OLPP" aims to provide one laptop to Pakistani in installments of 1,000 rupees

One step closer to ensuring that every household in Pakistan has a laptop!


Purchase a laptop from Rehan Foundation for Rs. 1000

Rehan Foundation's
Project OLPP RF

Rehan Foundation was established to aid and support businesses in implementing superior software and systems for increased productivity. Rehan Foundation is here to assist other organisations in implementing comparable systems and processes to increase productivity and effectiveness. Over the years, Rehan Inc. has developed numerous processes, software, and systems that we believe have helped us be more productive and more practical in solving the problems we faced. Instead of creating new schools, hospitals, or nonprofit organisations to accomplish these goals, we sought to improve the functionality and effectiveness of already-existing ones.


We appreciate you considering buying a laptop from us. By giving Pakistani youngsters Chromebook computers to jumpstart their freelancing careers, we are dedicated to empowering them.

For a total of 14 months, our computers may be purchased for 1000 rupees each month. Customers are not being charged interest, and kind supporters like you are paying our bills with donations.

 A six-month warranty is included with Chromebook computers, and in the case of a problem, we'll replace it with one that has the same or better specifications.

Please be aware that at this time, we are only providing these computers to Rehan School and Social Media Incubator students. Beginning in August, we want to make these computers available to everyone, giving credentialed students who freelance precedence.


Please complete the form below if buying a laptop is something you're interested in.

You have the option to purchase a laptop immediately by paying the whole 14000 rupees.

We appreciate your support for our cause. We can provide Pakistani youth greater possibilities if we work together.

In 30 days, computers will be provided to the applicants. Others will begin receiving in August; if you opt to pay 1000 rupees as your initial payment to join the line, you will receive a verification call within seven days of your payment.

Please be patient with us while we streamline our SOPs at this time because this is a new initiative.

Link For Applying Laptop:  Laptop – Rehan Foundation 

A laptop for every household in Pakistan is now closer to becoming a reality.

From Rehan Foundation, purchase a laptop for Rs 1000.


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